Scratched out of a spine radiograph, the artist Jonathan Meese is vividly seen as a sacred, to be offered instance. „Quod deus bene vertat“, means „What God may turn to the good“ and „Quod erat demonstrantum“ for „What was to prove“ stands for the fulfillment and also for the existence of this votive image.Votive images are images as a symbolic sacrifice, especially for salvation from an emergency, a cult site will be offered.
Scratched out of a spine radiograph, the artist Jonathan Meese is vividly seen as a sacred, to be offered instance. „Quod deus bene vertat“, means „What God may turn to the good“ and „Quod erat demonstrantum“ for „What was to prove“ stands for the fulfillment and also for the existence of this votive image.Votive images are images as a symbolic sacrifice, especially for salvation from an emergency, a cult site will be offered.
Telefunken digitale 201
Instead of the time, a hurdles loop can be seen on the mechanism of the Telefunken clock radio with an analog flip number-time display (Flip Clock) which was manufactured from 1973 to 1987. With about 8 pictures per second a “film“ in slow motion has been generated.
The images were taken from a YouTube video in which hurdles / hurdlers got filmed with a mobile camera, positioned at running height. From this a film loop was constructed and negatively copied to very thin films in black and white. The resulting 60 frames were transferred to the flip-platelet.
Telefunken digitale 201
Instead of the time, a hurdles loop can be seen on the mechanism of the Telefunken clock radio with an analog flip number-time display (Flip Clock) which was manufactured from 1973 to 1987. With about 8 pictures per second a “film“ in slow motion has been generated.
The images were taken from a YouTube video in which hurdles / hurdlers got filmed with a mobile camera, positioned at running height. From this a film loop was constructed and negatively copied to very thin films in black and white. The resulting 60 frames were transferred to the flip-platelet.